When reading through the course syllabus of EDCI 338, it stated that “each learner must reply to at least one other project”; because of this, I reviewed Mikayla Boulanger, Caitlin Doraty, Hongyuan Pan, Kevin Song, and Sadhik’s Final Project (linked below).
At first glance of your final project, I was thoroughly impressed by how much you all completed– I saw how much work you put into this. I noticed a PowerPoint, a Zoom video, an audio clip, a script, an outline, and a reference list.
Clicking around on the webpage that you provided for your final project, I also noticed that you gave credit to each member for who did what (my group did this too). I reflected and thought back to all the group projects I have been in where we did not do this…have I just been in the wrong classes? I love this!
Perhaps your group may consider adding audio to the video. I am not sure if this was just me (perhaps it was), but it may be easier for learners to hear the audio with the video. For diverse learners, it may be confusing to have your lips moving at a different time than when you are talking.
Perhaps your group may consider editing the audio a bit. Editing the audio may make it easier to listen to.
Your group may also want to consider adding some visuals to your page.
It seems to me that you are missing some of the transcript from when you begin to talk. It may be more clear for learners to read everything you are saying (the beginning could be difficult to follow).
Final Thoughts
Thank you all so much for sharing what you have learned. I can see how much work you put into this. Great job everyone!
In the video above, from 4:10-9:09, the two interviewees talked about how they grew their networks. First, for both of them, growing their networks primarily was done through face-to-face interaction at conferences, but due to COVID, that had to change. One of the speakers talked about how they joined Twitter, and the other spoke about their positive experience using Wakelet– which I had never heard about until this video, so of course, I looked it up! Wakelet is for educators to save, organize and share content from across the web, and Wakelet claims to “transform the classroom.”
As someone who has an education minor and is passionate about leading people, teaching, and possibly one day becoming an Occupational Therapist, this website sparked my curiosity.
Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?
On my personal PLN, I share a lot about chronic conditions and what I have been through, and as far as my professional PLN, I have this blog to share. I hope that I can build on my professional PLN by honing in on all of my achievements and have it help my professional development post-course.
Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?
I hope that a future boss will see my passion for inclusion and advocacy for those who are marginalized, and it will have a positive impact on my future professional opportunities.
My colleague’s blog:
My colleague pointed out a section in the above video that stood out to them (23:31). I really appreciated how they pointed this out and related it to the importance of asking questions. To me, this showed how much power your PLN can have in building connections and a community– just by asking a question!
Modern politics today requires a mastery of visual image – Julie Smith
This week, our class was assigned to watch a video with Julie Smith discussing Media Literacy. The video first began with Julie introducing themselves and telling listeners that they teach in The School of Communications at Webster University. Additionally, they added that Mass Communications became their path of interest by accident.
After Julie explained their circumstance, they got into their passion for media literacy.
What is Media Literacy?
According to Julie Smith, media literacy is “constant critical questioning of the media we consume”, and according to the text by Trilling and Fadel (2009), media literacy is the delivering of messages (print, graphics, animation, audio, video, Web sites, and so on) to influence individuals.
Why is Media Literacy Important?
Julie Smith brings up a very good point in that the media changes every day, unlike mathematics, so the media is important to study and understand. We do not want to have fear over the internet like many parents do in the 21st century.
In the text by Trilling and Fadel (2009), they state that “media literacy skills provide a framework to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, build an understanding of the role of media in society, as well as [develop] the essential skills of inquiry and self-expression.”
Why is Media Literacy Dismissed?
I think media literacy can be dismissed by some people because the media intimidates them (i.e., they did not grow up with it), or because the media changes every day, and it can be hard to keep up with.
Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?
One thing I found interesting was when Julie Smith compared Twitter to a “Great Faculty Room.” They stated that the world of Twitter can have wonderful feedback for professional development, and unlike in a real faculty room, you can block people. They also shared that by having a large PLN with members you can rely on has enormous benefits for not only professional development but personal too.
Contribution to the Community
My colleague really beautifully lays out their blog, and is an easy read. I love that you provided Julie Smith’s social media, so I can go check them out!
This week in our class, students were assigned to watch an interview between our class instructor and a BC news anchor, Sophie Lui. In this interview, Lui discussed her previous jobs and touched on the difference between networking now and networking when she first began working; she discussed how she grew up without a cell phone and how the first newsroom she worked at shared a cell phone that was very heavy and bulky– different from today’s phones. Before social media, Lui would mostly get letters and phone calls, but today she can get very hurtful comments on her public platforms.
The way Lui deals with her public social media networks is by muting individuals that say hurtful things and only posting personal content on Instagram; Lui finds that Instagram is a different community than Twitter, as Twitter users can have stronger opinions. Although Lui finds that Twitter can have a toxic side, she also sees the advantages–finding people that are very interesting and keeping up-to-date on relevant information.
The major benefit Sophie Lui sees in using social media is continued learning.
Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?
Risks: Hurtful Communication, Private Information Becomes Public
Benefits: Sharing Information, Gaining New Knowledge
I think another interesting take is that if you are in a position of trust, people will typically believe whatever you say and not think twice. This is where rumors and fake news can spread.
A reading we were assigned this week discussed The Political Economy of Fake News and talked about how fake news can be created for a variety of reasons. It can be for “the profitable clicks, views, likes and shares it generates [or for] deliberate and systemic propaganda effect.” (Hirst, 2018).
How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer’s social media policy?
Sophie Lui deals with hurtful comments by muting an individual as she doesn’t want to give them the satisfaction of her blocking them. Personally, I would do the same.
I like how you focused in on the question about risks/benefits when engaging with a public audience in the media space. The point that you brought up about feeling accomplishment when increasing your popularity is a great point. Awesome job!
A video we were assigned to watch this week was with Markiel Simpson discussing his life experiences and also his experience networking on Twitter. A key thing he spoke on many times was finding your niche. Simpson made a comment specifying that your audience is always going to be changing, so getting allies to amplify messages within your niche is important. This stood out to me as I reflected on my social media networks and questioned what my niche really is. Although I have spoken a lot on chronic conditions and being an advocate for the marginalized, I also talk about various topics. Maybe honing in more on a particular topic would help my social media grow. Simpson also discussed a conversation he had with his teacher where they mentioned: You are the expert of your own experiences. This stood out to me too. Additionally, Simpson also spoke on hashtags he frequently uses #strongertogether #togetherwerise— he believes hashtags can be a call to change. ‘
3 Social Media Influencers Markiel Simpson is inspired by:
LOCAL— Stephanie Allen, Kinder Morgan, Land Back, Future Project Development
NATIONAL— Matthew Green
What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?
I think the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media can help your network grow and also share new knowledge with people who may not completely understand.
Community Contribution:
I L.O.V.E the way this blog is laid out. If you are not interested in watching the full video, this blog lays out some key points that Markiel Simpson says. Additionally, I appreciated how you highlighted Do what you can to get involved and make a change at the end of the list you provided. I think this is such an important point I failed to recognize in my blog! Awesome post!
How would you create a PLN before engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?
In the article Building Your Own PLN (2013), Woods lists ways to build a good PLN:
Know that all PLNs are different
Ask and Listen
Leverage technology
Try out Twitter
Look outside of L&D
Before engaging in a social media campaign of my choice, I would talk to individuals of who the campaign may impact and ask them what they want to see in the results. For example, I did a project regarding breaking the mental health stigma in high school. Before my group made anything, we went to the high school we were working with and handed out questionnaires to see what students knew/did not know. From there, we built our campaign from that. Additionally, I would personally go to my favorite podcast and see if they have anything insightful to say regarding the topic I am trying to focus on. I have learned so much from the podcast The Mindset Mentor with Rob Dial– not about anything specific, just life in general.
Here is my colleague’s blog:
I loved how Fritz started off their blog by saying, “What is the point of giving a presentation if you have no one to listen.” To me, this really points out the importance of gathering a social network before starting a campaign. Additionally, they share a great personal story of how they used their social media to kick-start a campaign. I really enjoyed reading this story, and I think you will too! Great Job Fritz!!
Woods, B. (2013, November). Building Your Own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.
Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.
Consider which social media platforms are beneficial in education, and ask yourself how you would add social media teaching to an industry you’re interested in – expand your thoughts in your blog.
How does social media fit into professionalism and regulations when working with the vulnerable sector? Consider education, healthcare, and messaging to minor children via social media/gaming.
Brad Baker is a member of the Squamish Nation and is currently an Associate Superintendent of Indigenous Education. He grew up in North Vancouver and is very passionate about anti-racism. He oversees Indigenous Land Claim Issues, but in his personal life has a family of his own. Dr. Baker is not only invested in education due to his colleagues, but because of his grandchildren, which he cares about very much. He wants to make society a better place for everyone by sharing information first-hand.
Video Watched in Class with Dr. Baker:
“A professional learning community is your support system” – Dr. Brad Baker
Dr. Baker outlined that building a healthy community is key on social media, especially with the strong opinions and misinformation shared on a daily basis. Bringing understanding and positive, supportive contributions is key when looking at a professional PLN. Challenging each other with healthy/respectful dialogue as well as focusing on our well-being are also things Dr. Baker noted.
Some inspirational/beneficial accounts on Brad Bakers’ social media that he encourages us to learn from include:
Leona Prince– brings a lot of feelings and emotions to her social media
Connie Walker– CBC podcast on missing Indigenous women
Tanya Talaga, and Niigaan Sinclair
Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?
I think that social media is very beneficial for students/teachers/educators to stay connected and learn. Although someone may have lower intellectual abilities in some way, those people still have very insightful ideas and have very differing opinions on topics that we all may learn from. In the context of social media, it is very important to have a diverse PLN, so you can connect and learn from someone you may not have in person. Twitter and blogging (like this) stand out to me as important platforms for education.
How would you add social media teaching to the industry you’re interested in?
Currently, I am a psychology major, and I think it would be beneficial to have a private account with someone to discuss daily activities and potential feelings so a self-report would be more reliable and valid for diagnosis. I also have aspirations to become an Occupational Therapist (OT), and I know many OT’s stay in contact via Twitter. Staying in contact with people alike, I believe, helps personal well-being.
How does social media fit into professionalism and regulations when working with the vulnerable sector?
Social media can be used professionally, be users must be aware, mindful, and understanding of what their patient/other individual wants on social media., and how they want to use social media. Social media can be very beneficial for bringing awareness to topics, but informed consent and/or confidentiality must be understood (hopefully by an individual 18+).
More questions:
Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares; how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?
How it helps: Quick communication with colleagues
How it hinders: Social Media can cause distractions (i.e. a message from a friend while you are studying)
How do educators create discourse?
As Dr. Baker said, sharing information first-hand is key for an educator. Making sure a space is open-minded, and understanding is key when starting a dialogue. Also, asking questions and paraphrasing individuals, I believe, is necessary.
What is the role of social media in education?
The role of social media in education is to share ideas/thoughts/scenarios with others to make sure they feel understood and not alone. It is also a place to learn and grow as an individual.
What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?
Privacy and security are the largest issues when using social media. Another issue I see when using social media for education is posting something (i.e on Twitter or in a blog), but you disagree with what you once said, but now it is known by most people, and it seems “too late to Edit”.
Having a compromised immune system and often wishing more classes were offered online, your blog stood out to me because you mentioned that Camosun and UVIC offer a HyFlex approach. Although this is true, there are very minimal courses like this. I wish more classes at the University would take on this method. Thoughts?
As a person with a disability who was diagnosed with an aggressive, chronic condition when only seventeen, I would say my PLN is very diverse. Because of my diagnosis, I have made it my mission to help those who feel marginalized, and I find it extremely interesting to hear from other individuals with various abilities/conditions/life experiences on how they are feeling/coping mechanisms, etc. Additionally, Moore and Schnellert (2016) stated that inclusion pertains to everyone, actually everyone, and I think that my current PLN includes everyone, and I mean actually everyone. Finally, as an aspiring OT or health researcher, social media has become an excellent way to build connections and learn.
Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices, and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?
I would say yes as I follow various accounts on my social media that have very diverse opinions. Although it can be frustrating to read something I personally disagree with, I think it is beneficial for me, specifically for building empathy and understanding.
What is the learning outcome of your PLN, and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?
Learning outcomes of my PLN:
Recognize that I am not alone
Gain different perspectives
Build empathy
Solidify what I want to do after my Bachelor’s degree
I absolutely loved the video that was shared in your post. What stood out to me the most was when Moore (2021) discussed that educators should not pull a student out of an area to work on a deficit. This stood out to me because when I was diagnosed with a chronic condition, educators seemed to think that I could not do something, and therefore I had to be treated differently; in reality, I just needed to be with my peers.
Moore, S., & Schnellert, L. (2016). One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion. Portage & Main Press. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uvic/reader.action?docID=4832579&ppg=11.
What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
For me, I currently use WordPress as my primary digital platform to develop a professional network but I also use Homebase, Discord, Microsoft teams, Slack, and Mattermost with my colleagues.
What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
I think it would be beneficial for students to create a professional account on Twitter and/or Instagram. I also know I personally need to become more familiar with linked in; linked in has been very beneficial for my colleagues, and I believe would be beneficial for me.
How do data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?
Data security limits our PLN because individuals may feel afraid to share something in fear that it will come back to haunt them in the future.
In your network, how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?
To create a solid reputation online, specifically on WordPress, I think it’s important individuals post often and consistently.
How did pivots to work-from-home during the COVID-19 pandemic change how we should consider our social media connectivity and professional balance?
During COVID-19 our online presence is all that we had. Because of this, I believe that we should change the frequency we spend online for our professional development.
My V&R Map
Response to my colleague’s blog:
I found the statistic posed in one of my colleague’s blogs interesting. They stated, “In the Canadian Internet Use Survey (Bilodeau et al., 2021) conducted between November 2020 and March 2021, 75% of Canadians 15 years of age and older stated they engaged in various internet-related activities more often since the onset of the pandemic – for both personal and professional reasons”. I reflected on myself and thought of the personal YouTube channel and blog I started during that time frame– but it was only until after my internet-related activities for professional use began (unless you consider doing University over Zoom professional….do you?)
What is digital identity? In simple terms, digital identity is whatever you do online– your posts, videos, photos, blogs, etc; it is “your footprint on the web”. This video provided in class explains digital identity well:
How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?
Professional and personal areas in someone’s life used to be easy to separate, but in this day and age, it is not. Nowadays individuals must be careful with what they post and where they post it, specifically on social media. A private message may seem like it is being sent from your personal account, but you mistakingly have your professional account open, or you may think that no one will see a private photo, but it is now in the web’s ‘hands’. The approach to social media from a personal standpoint should be: anything you post on your personal account you should be comfortable if someone from your professional account happens to see.
How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?
The way that one may use their personal social media account may converge with their professional account in networked publics. On one hand, this can be beneficial as employers may get to see specific traits they are looking for in a job, whereas on another hand, employers may see something they dislike very much and fire you or not hire you. Personal digital identities in networked publics can have an economic impact.
Another video that was shown in class speaks on The Value of Digital Identity for the Global Economy and Society
I appreciated when it was spoken of the importance of digital identities for people “On The Move”, because I have a chronic condition, and whenever I travel somewhere it is always terrifying to think my life is on only a piece of paper.
Community Contribution:
I appreciated the connection my colleague made regarding our digital identity and PLN.