The purpose of education is life

Engaging your PLN

How would you create a PLN before engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

In the article Building Your Own PLN (2013), Woods lists ways to build a good PLN:

  1. Know that all PLNs are different
  2. Ask and Listen
  3. Leverage technology
  4. Try out Twitter
  5. Look outside of L&D

Before engaging in a social media campaign of my choice, I would talk to individuals of who the campaign may impact and ask them what they want to see in the results. For example, I did a project regarding breaking the mental health stigma in high school. Before my group made anything, we went to the high school we were working with and handed out questionnaires to see what students knew/did not know. From there, we built our campaign from that. Additionally, I would personally go to my favorite podcast and see if they have anything insightful to say regarding the topic I am trying to focus on. I have learned so much from the podcast The Mindset Mentor with Rob Dial– not about anything specific, just life in general.

Here is my colleague’s blog:

I loved how Fritz started off their blog by saying, “What is the point of giving a presentation if you have no one to listen.” To me, this really points out the importance of gathering a social network before starting a campaign. Additionally, they share a great personal story of how they used their social media to kick-start a campaign. I really enjoyed reading this story, and I think you will too! Great Job Fritz!!


Woods, B. (2013, November). Building Your Own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.

1 Comment

  1. letterstokate

    Hi, I definitely enjoyed reading your blog post, especially the part where you shared your own project regarding mental heath stigma in high school. I believe asking questions and listening to specific communities to gain a deeper insight is a powerful tool. I never considered listening to podcasts to learn about a topic I’m interested in but it’s something I will try to incorporate into my life from now on! I suppose this is what Woods meant when they stated there are multiple different platforms.

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